You can make an appointment by calling our practice on (02) 6766 8288.
Find more information about our fees, cancellation policy and new patient requirements.
Opening hours
Opening hours are
Monday – Thursday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
Friday: 8.30am – 5.00pm,
Saturday 8.30am to 12.00pm.
After hours care, including home and residential aged care available by calling the duty doctor on 0401 155 558.
Our practice is fully accredited with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL).
Zero Tolerance Policy
The safety and wellbeing of all patients, staff, practitioners and visitors is of the utmost importance to us. We promise to treat you with respect, and expect the same in return.
We will not tolerate any behaviour that is fraudulent, abusive, threatening, intimidating, inappropriate, offensive of violent in nature.
Consequences for such behaviour include refusal of treatment, exclusion from the practice and/or police intervention.
Privacy Policy
Patients of the practitioners in our practice have the right to access their personal health information under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.
In accordance with the Privacy Act, information about persons aged 16 years or older cannot be divulged to anyone else without the person’s permission. Accordingly, all patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential and are only available to authorised members of staff.
Feedback and Suggestions
Suggestions or complaints are welcome at our practice. You can discuss feedback with either your practitioner or the Practice Manager.
If you are not satisfied or your complaint cannot be resolved within the practice, you may wish to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission.
The contact details are as follows:
Locked Mail Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Ph 02 9219 7444 or 1800 043 159