Our Services

Peel Health Care is unique, because it offers a team of qualified allied health professionals working with the doctors and practice nurses to provide specialised care in the areas of physiotherapy, podiatry, psychiatry and dietetics.

Patients can access a range of health services, making it easier to arrange appointments on the same day where possible and to facilitate the provision of a range of services in one familiar environment.

These services can be booked online, through our reception staff, or you may be referred to these services when you visit your doctor.

Patients can access the following services at Peel Health Care:


The Doctors focus is not only treating disease and illness but on early detection, prevention and helping you live as well and as healthy as possible.


Pain and stiffness can impact on your everyday life. Physiotherapy can help identify what’s wrong and uses physical techniques to improve your movement, reduce your pain and speed up your healing process to increase your quality of life.


Nutrition is an essential component of healthy living. A dietitian can help identify nutritional deficiencies and ways to improve and manage your overall health with good food to enhance your quality of life.


The condition of your feet, ankles and lower legs can impact on mobility, balance and general wellbeing. Podiatrists will take great care to listen to your concerns and perform a physical examination in order to diagnose and safely provide treatment. Contact via email: bdpodadmin@peelhealthcare.org.au 

Mental Health

Mental ill-health can happen to anyone, and it can strongly affect a person’s behaviour, physical health, relationships and ability to do work. Doctors and psychiatrists are experienced in diagnosing and treating a variety of mental health concerns, including in children and adolescents.


Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them. Most immunisations are carried out by a practice nurse under direction of the GP. Childhood immunisations are bulk billed through Medicare.

Women's Health

Together with your Doctor, our skilled nurses provide women’s health services including pregnancy, contraception and screening.


Our nurses specialise in areas such as women’s health, childhood immunisation, family planning, respiratory medicine, chronic disease management, diabetes and wound care.

Minor Surgeries

Your doctor is able to perform minor surgeries including the treatment of skin conditions such as warts, removal of some skin cancers and lesions.